Saturday, February 17, 2007

Reaching for the stars

Way back when Elisa, Sandy, and I decided to write this anthology, Elisa contacted her editor who was really excited about the project. We were doubly excited that we actually had an editor interested before the thing was even written!

Then, lo and behold, Elisa's editor moved on.

A lot of emails flew back and forth. What are we going to do? Who else to you think would be interested? Should we try my editor or Elisa's new editor?

And then Sandy threw in a possibility that had us all pausing. Why not reach for the stars? Why not try the BIG publishers? New York? Could we do it? Should we?

Why not?

We have a great premise. We're all three great writers (yeah, I know, I'm tooting our horns).

So, change in plan. We're now trying for the big guns and you know what? I really think we can do this.

Keep your fingers crossed for us.


Blogger Elisa said...

LOL Sharon...I've already got my fingers crossed. Toes too. :grin:

11:27 AM  

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